Read Me!

A message from your humble Webmaster…

We’ve been getting bombarded by the spammers lately. Actually, since moving to the new server in March 2011.

This Blog Section: Comment spam was rampant and I only had two options, let all comments post immediately or moderate all comments which got pretty annoying for all of us. The third option was to require you all to register before posting comments. But wait, there’s a final solution: Last week I installed Akismet which now automatically filters out the comment spam. Your legitimate comment will appear immediately and Chen’s Viagra will be sent straight to hell. (Let me know if your legitimate comment gets dumped down the hole so I can hoist it back.)

The Photo Gallery: I thought everything was fine until yesterday when I checked my default bounce-back email account. Apparently Yakoff was using the electronic Postcard feature to send out nice WwW postcards with spam messages attached. This has been shut down and all postcards deleted. There were also nearly four hundred spam comments and twelve spammers registered as users. 4Images is not as sophisticated as WordPress so from this point forward, you will need to be a registered user to upload photos, post comments, send postcards, or vote on photos. And nobody can complete registration without Admin approval. The only thing publicly accessible without registration is viewing photos… and that can be changed if you all desire as well.

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