Radical Retrospects

From the Official Evaluation Form …

The Weekend tagline. A quote-whore slogan for our Souvenir Booklet and merchandising. Example: “Weekend: Your Wish is Our Regret”

People need to keep track of their own drinks. | Winner.

Deep sea diving

Together almost as long as Tommye and Wayne


Since we are in Wisconsin – Cheesy Weekend!

The canoe trip

All the fun of the Seventies without the haunting terror of imminent thermonuclear annihilation

Where the flooring is never bad

What startling revelation did you learn about one of your fellow Weekenders which you would never dare repeat in a jillion years? Feel free to name names.

On a golf course?

John and Bryan are better than ever!

Exercise after getting drunk!

Cannot repeat it now

“In a car. Before we got married.”

They are secretly breeding llamas.


Pickleball + Plan 10 things, then remove 5 + AD German Warehouse? + No rain for 2023 + Definitely include canoeing of course + Refurbished Crane preserve.


Kocktail Kontest

Sloe Gin Sparkler | Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wallbanger | YOS

The Godfather | Rob

Spicy Cedar Valley Lemonade | Sachin (Winner!)

Funnery Sergeant

Sachin | Captain Neatfreak: Mary Jo

GoH winner

Bryan | The Jokes on You joke contest

Remembrance of Hilarities Past

The Weekend Souvenir Booklet

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