It’s Frigg's Day, February 07, 1625 - Gregorian since 1582

WwW XXIV is over - see you next year!

Veni, Vidi, Veekend

Friday, September 13th through Sunday, September 15th 2024

Dress up like an ancient patrician and party down like a reckless college student ... This year, Weekend is going toe-GUH, toe-GUH, toe-GUH!

Now join our exclusive Facebook Group!

“[Thou art] like the toad, ugly and venomous. ” - W.S.

Weekend with William:  It's forty eight hours of zaniness - two nights at the hotel, one play, and the WwWm package - all for the low low price of not that much.  Listen to what some previous Weekenders have said:

“... better than Cats!” 

“Best toxic waste swimming ever!”

“It’s not just the humidity.  It’s the heat, heat prostration and heat stroke!”

“... best corn-fed Shakespeare on the planet!”

“I’ll send an e-mail when I think of something!”

“Fun, fun, fun, now where’s my pants?”

(“Special thanks to WwWWebmaster John Kieken for donating his time, space and talent here!” – J.H.)

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